Day 0 Capacity Building Program

Date: 27 September 2021 (Monday)

Time: 04:00 – 08:30 UTC | 9:45 – 14:15 NPT

Moderator: Amrita Choudhury, Vice-Chair of MSG

Time (UTC) Session / Topic Proposed Speakers Format / Description
04:00-04:15 Introduction Session Speaker: Rajnesh Singh, MSG Chair – Introduction to IG

– Background of APrIGF

– Role of MSG

04:15-04:20 Introduction of Thematic Tracks: 

  • Inclusion
  • Sustainability
  • Trust
Moderator: Amrita Choudhury, MSG Vice Chair
04:20-04:30 Keynote on Inclusion Speaker: Anju Mangal, World Wide Web Foundation & Gayatri Khandhadai / Pavitra Ramanujam, APC Keynote:
– Insights of different key topics and issues under each thematic track
– Highlight some sessions which are related to the topic of discussionBreakout sessions:
– Small group discussions led by facilitators
20 min – Breakout discussion
5 min – Feedback or conclusion by facilitators and speakers
04:30-04:55 Breakout Discussion on Inclusion Facilitators #
04:55-05:05 Keynote on Sustainability Speaker: Ellen Strickland, Internet New Zealand
05:05-05:30 Breakout Discussion on Sustainability Facilitators #
05:30-05:45 Break
05:45-05:55 Keynote on Trust Speaker: Joyce Chen, APNIC
05:55-06:20 Breakout Discussion on Trust Facilitators #
06:20-07:00 Sharing Session Facilitators: Sabrina Lim, Shah Rahman, Fellowship Committee Alumni to share experiences & expectations

– Mira Fajriyah (2019 Fellow)
– Alexander Isavnin (2019 Fellow)
– Sayda kamrun Jahan Ripa (2020 Fellow)
– Swaran Sanadhika Ravindra (2020 & 2021 Fellow)

07:00-07:30 Break
07:30-08:30 Toward the innovative IGF 2021: Digitalisation and Environmental Policy: Looking at Key Trends
– A Capacity Development Workshop by IGF
Targeted audience: Everyone. Special focus on newcomers to the IGF.
Format: Interactive dialogue with 2-3 key panellists, experts from PNE MWG
Output: Bulletin outlining key action points raised which will feed into the PNE work, as well as the issue areas groups

07:30 UTC
(2 min)
Welcome and introduction IGF Secretariat welcomes participants, explains the goal of the workshop and introduces speakers.
07:33 UTC
(7 min)
Anja Gengo, IGF Secretariat
IGF 2021 – ways of engagement
IGF Secretariat briefly provides a visual tour of what the IGF 2021 is about and how to engage.

It then creates a bridge to the second part of the workshop by explaining why and how environmental policy features the IGF 2021 programme.

It notes the high interest of various stakeholders in it and invites the three speakers to tell us why environmental policy is important for people and our planet and what it has to do with digital technologies and policies. Reference is made to the PNE work.

(Participants are encouraged to post questions in the chat.)

07:40 UTC
(5 min)
Ms. Kathryn Sforcina
IGF 2021 PNE Multistakeholder Working Group of Experts;

IV.AI, Head of Global Strategy;Farmbot Monitoring Solutions, Non-Executive Director·       What data has to do with the environment?
·       Looking at some concrete cases where data helps environmental sustainability
The goal is to introduce the topic and through concrete examples illustrate the relationship between environment and data.

Participants are encouraged to post questions/comments in the chat which the speakers can address at a later stage.

07:45 UTC
(5 min)
Ms. Anja Gengo
Ms. Flurina Wasepi
IGF Secretariat
·       Multistakeholder digital cooperation for a sustainable environment
07:50 UTC
(2 min)
Testing the participants’ pulse: launching a short Zoom poll:

1.     I am aware of cases from my community where digital technologies are used for improving the environment. (Yes, No)

2.     Environmental sustainability is enough represented in the public discourse within my multistakeholder community. (Yes, No)

The moderator invites participants to engage in a discussion reflecting on what speakers said and the results of the poll.

07:52 UTC
(25 min)
Open discussion between participants and speakers.

Possible matters to address could relate to:

·       How can stakeholders leverage the Internet and Internet governance processes for working towards achieving sustainable development goals?

08:17 UTC
(10 min)
Concluding remarks from the speakers reflecting on the discussion

(3 min each)

Rapporteurs will help in the background to ensure all points are covered
08:25 UTC
(5 min)
Few concluding remarks on PNE work and how to engage in its streams

Overall conclusion by the moderator and invitation to join the next workshop

# Facilitators for Breakout Discussions:

Shah Rahman (Sustainability)

Swaran Sanadhika Ravindra (Inclusion)

Felicia Yunike

Bea Soriano Guevarra

Ariff Azam